The New Mayan Calendar and How to find Vortexes ~ EPS# 12.19.D

In this session, we discuss the new Mayan calendar and how to find vortexes. How to use the mind to teleport via the 3rd eye. Also some information about old technology that was used during the times of Atlantis and Lemuria becoming new and upgraded similar to the use in Star Wars.

Light Language group page:

Here is the link for the Dowsing Rod Set:

Charmel drawings:

The Convoluted Universe Book One by Dolores Cannon (My Favorite and my first) Want to do a video collaboration? Already have a pc and internet? Logitech HD Pro Webcam Yeti Blue Mic (Silver)

Interview with Wendy Paquette, on Life Transformation, Holographic Wellness ~ EPS# 12.19.C

In this interview, we talked to Wendy Paquette on how to transform your life. Find the answers on what is holding you back from having what’s really in your heart. Teaching you the capacity of what your mind holds for you. (Total fascination with mermaids.)

5D Access Strategy Session 45 minutes for $47

Wendy’s website:

Interview: about Ascension & Awakening with Von Galt – 12.19.B

In this episode, I interview QHHT practitioner Von Galt about what is coming through her session dealing with Ascension and Enlightenment. How to be your best self and how to make a difference in the world by just being a better you.

Von Galt:

Book Buddhist Guide to Manifest Parallel Realities

QHHT Discussion – talking about healing and Crashed UFO

*This is the Full Version** with Bonus Footage at the END**

In this video collaboration, the three of us talk about #QHHT, Past Lives, and Jen’s experience with QHHT, hear healings, why, how, and what information came from her sessions, her #pastlife as an #alien commander of a ship that crashed, and how they mixed in with the locals.

Here is Jen’s QHHT session:

To find more information about Sarah on a QHHT session The Holistic Hypnotist – Level 3 QHHT Sarah Breskman Cosme Book a session:

Interview with Julia Cannon about Soul Speak and many other topics – (Full Version): 06.19.B

In this video, we interviewed Julia Cannon about her book called Soul Speak – The language of your body. We talked about why she felt the need to write her book, Soul Speak and how her book benefits people and how to use her book. We also talked about some of her mother’s books by Dolores Cannon.

5D Earth vs 3D Earth – some things about the New Earth

The 1st part of the video was more of a personal question but the answers were so amazing I had to share the info with the world and I didn’t know it was a #5D symbol/energy. The reason it was so personal I drew an almost exact image of this symbol when I was around 13 years old. #5dearth #newearth Then this video goes into talking about the 5D earth and how life will be like on it.

Ascension Maps, Light Codes, Ascension Guide

Ascension Maps provided by Charmel Herinckx… If you are interested in an Ascension Maps from the following please read below. Dean Christopherson Dean Christopherson is a Level 2 QHHT practitioner, Ascension Map reader, if you are interested in a session with Dean go to: #Ascension#QHHT#AscensionMaps Tracie Mahan …

Channeling: Ascension, Raise your vibration, Polar Shift = 2 of 2 on 2.11.19

In this video, we talked about Ascension how to raise your vibration from the chaos – (don’t watch the news) and remember you are the master of your reality. Polar Shift and the Solar Shift which brings up the energy of crop circles. This is a video of 2 of …

Channeling: Love Energy, Manifesting, Ascension = 1 of 2 on 2.11.19

In this video, we talked about manifestation, how to manifest the things you want like a car, a job, a house. Healing Meditation by the Rainbow energy / The energy wave in February and the energy wave later this Summer. Tracie Mahan is a Level 2 QHHT practitioner, Ascension Activator, …

Channeling about the 5D Earth and New Wave of Energy 2 of 2

This video is a continuation from the video posted on Jan 27th to get more information about the 5D earth and the new wave of Energy and what life will be like in 5 years: #5Dearth#newwaveofenergy#newenergy#channeling Tracie is a Level 2 QHHT practitioner, Ascension Activator, Channeler, Psychic Reading and …